Simply Pink

Flower Arrangement


Scented pink roses paired with delicate mini carnations, gracefully accompanied by limonium, all resting upon a lush bed of greens. This arrangement is not just simply pink but exudes simplicity, beauty, and a captivating fragrance.

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Note: As every flower in the Simply Pink flower arrangement is unique, slight variations in color and arrangement may occur. Rest assured, our florists ensure your pink flower bouquet is crafted with utmost care and beauty.


Experience the elegance of simplicity with our Simply Pink flower bouquet. Carefully pre-designed by our expert florists, this bouquet embodies pure sophistication and a touch of softness that can charm any space.


  • Color Palette: A delicate mix of shades of pink, encompassing both the subtlety of blush and the vibrancy of purple.
  • Floral Selection: Handpicked flowers ranging from the gentle allure of roses to the captivating charm of lilies united in their shared hue.
  • Artfully Arranged: Expertly crafted to ensure each bloom complements the other, capturing the essence of simplicity and elegance.
  • Occasion: Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, gestures of love, or to brighten someone’s day.

Care Instructions: Keep in a cool, shaded area. Replace water every 2-3 days and trim stems for longer vase life.

Note: As every flower is unique, slight variations in color and arrangement may occur. Rest assured, our florists ensure your pink flower bouquet is crafted with utmost care and beauty.


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Great Ways to use the Simply Pink Flower Arrangement

The Simply Pink flower bouquet or arrangement can be used in various ways to bring beauty, color and fragrance to different settings.

Here are some ideas for this floral arrangement:

  • Gift: Offer it as a thoughtful and elegant gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion.

  • Holidays: Special arrangements for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and other holidays add festive cheer.

  • Living Room Focal Point: Use it to add a pop of color and fragrance to your living room on a coffee table or side table.

  • Office Decor: Add a touch of nature and elegance to your workspace by placing it on your desk or in a common area.

  • Special Occasions: Display it during events like baby showers, bridal showers, or tea parties to create an atmosphere of elegance.

  • Thank You Gestures: A bouquet is a popular way to say thank you or show appreciation.

  • Wedding Decor: Use it as a centerpiece on guest tables or as decorative accents around the venue.

559 Orchard Lake Rd.
Pontiac, Michigan 48341