The Nursery

We carry an extensive and ever-evolving selection of trees, shrubs and perennials.

 What is listed on this website is by no means exhaustive, please stop by or call if you have specific inquiries! Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Certified.

Deciduous and Flowering Trees

~30 Japanese Maple varieties
~23 Dogwood varieties
~29 Crabapple/ Apple varieties
~18 varieties of Beech
~20 large Maple varieties
Magnolia, Redbud, Weeping Cherry, Plum, Dawn Redwood, Heptacodium, Birch, Paper Bark Maple, Ginkgo, Yellowwood, Oak, Poplar, Sweetgum and MUCH more.

Evergreen Trees and Arborvitae

~Serbian Spruce
~Concolor Fir
~Many varieties of Arborvitae including the ever popular ‘Green Giant’, ‘Emerald Green’, and ‘Degroot’s Spire’ ranging from 6’-16’

Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs

~30 Hydrangea varieties
~10 Boxwood Varieties
~Daphne x ‘Carol Mackie’
Sweet Shrub, Rhododendron, Azalea, Lilac, Weigela, Viburnum, Forsythia, Red Twig Dogwood, Ninebark, Low growing Junipers, Yew, Barberry, Holly… we could go on, but the list would be several pages long, single spaced… you get the idea. Please stop by or give us a call!


We have many different types of very hardy Rhododendron on hand.

Rose of Sharon

Considered one of the best flowering shrubs, the Rose of Sharon is a deciduous shrub that is perfect for hedges, foundation planting or as a reliable summer color. (Blue Bird shown)

Seven Son Flower

A deciduous shrub with three-veined leaves that retain into early winter. Peeling bark, small fragrant white flowers followed by bright red calyx in the fall.

Slender Silhouette Sweetgum

Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Slender Silhouette’ with a narrow, upright form for a tight sunny space and cool star-shaped leaves with colors galore in the fall.

Tricolor Beech Tree

Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea Tricolor’ with striking colored leaves: purple/pink & shades of white/green; spectacular specimen tree. Fagus sylvatica ‘Red Obelisk’ with statuesque columnar form and burgundy leaves. Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Purple’ similar to ‘Red Obelisk’ not as columnar and leaves green out in late summer.

Vanderwolf Pine

Distinct pyramid shaped pine, with long silvery-blue needles on dense branches.

Weeping Norway Spruce

The weeping Norway spruce is a unique evergreen with weeping spreading branches with large cones and a deep green needle.

Yellow Wood

Cladrastis Kentuckea ‘Perkin’s Pink’ with pink hanging flower clusters in late May on a smooth bark shade tree for sun.
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559 Orchard Lake Rd.
Pontiac, Michigan 48341