The Nursery

We carry an extensive and ever-evolving selection of trees, shrubs and perennials.

 What is listed on this website is by no means exhaustive, please stop by or call if you have specific inquiries! Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Certified.

Deciduous and Flowering Trees

~30 Japanese Maple varieties
~23 Dogwood varieties
~29 Crabapple/ Apple varieties
~18 varieties of Beech
~20 large Maple varieties
Magnolia, Redbud, Weeping Cherry, Plum, Dawn Redwood, Heptacodium, Birch, Paper Bark Maple, Ginkgo, Yellowwood, Oak, Poplar, Sweetgum and MUCH more.

Evergreen Trees and Arborvitae

~Serbian Spruce
~Concolor Fir
~Many varieties of Arborvitae including the ever popular ‘Green Giant’, ‘Emerald Green’, and ‘Degroot’s Spire’ ranging from 6’-16’

Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs

~30 Hydrangea varieties
~10 Boxwood Varieties
~Daphne x ‘Carol Mackie’
Sweet Shrub, Rhododendron, Azalea, Lilac, Weigela, Viburnum, Forsythia, Red Twig Dogwood, Ninebark, Low growing Junipers, Yew, Barberry, Holly… we could go on, but the list would be several pages long, single spaced… you get the idea. Please stop by or give us a call!


Small pinkish flower in summer, known for show fall lilac-violet fruit clusters.

Brilliant Red Chokeberry

Brilliant Red Chokeberry – White spring flower, naturalizing, native, great fall color.

Butterfly Bush Black Knight

A fast-growing shrub, the Black Knight has a spectacular summer color with dark violet flower spikes. It is a bit hardier than other varieties and works well as a foundation shrub.

Globe Blue Spruce

Beautiful globe shaped spruce, with unique color.

Golden Chain Tree

An upright branch habit and luxuriant drooping yellow flower clusters in May. Best in full sun. Many other varieties and selections for the connoisseur of choice landscape nursery stock.

Golden Dawn Redwood

A stunning tall, specimen tree with brilliant golden needles and a fast grower especially good in sunny wet areas. The form is conical and the needles drop just before winter.

Green Giant Arborvitae

This upright conifer is perfect for privacy. It’s strong, versatile, and doesn’t need much maintenance.


This is a beautiful, hardy Hydrangea (Vanilla Strawberry shown) with pink and white leaves. We carry many other hydrangeas, as well.

Japanese Tree Lilac

Has fluffy, cream colored clusters of flowers in June. A tree to 25ft and grows quickly, the shiny maroon bark is attractive in the winter.

Okame Cherry Tree

Flowering Cherry – several varieties: Prunus ‘Okame’ with delicate numerous pink flowers in spring and fall leaf color. Prunus ‘Wayside White’ or ‘White Fountain’ with graceful weeping branches filled solidly with white flowers in early spring.

Paperbark Maple Tree

With exfoliating cinnamon-rust-beige colored bark is a small tree to 20ft. Colored fall foliage.

Persian Shield

A fabulous ornamental plant, the Persian Shield is an evergreen perennial with humble beginnings in Myanmar. It’s foliage shines brightly in neon shades of purple, veined with green. They thrive best in very partial shade and if the temperature is just right, they may bloom in fall or winter.
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559 Orchard Lake Rd.
Pontiac, Michigan 48341